sarah pan

What I Spend in a Month Living in NYC *as a 27 year old* 💸

life updates | taking a (temporary) break from Google & my job

work week vlog | back to corporate life, last injections, navigating codependency

how to *ACTUALLY* stay productive (and motivated!) | 10 tips to build healthy habits & stay focused

my 80 hour work week | tackling cycles of burnout & balancing life as a software engineer & youtuber

work week vlog | how I film in the Google office & giving my first talk! (at Princeton University 🎓)

day in my life *filming* a day in my life as a software engineer

day in my life as a software engineer living in NYC | my new WFH routine

navigating my mid-20s | a new space! pottery updates & summer in the city

decluttering & deep cleaning my brooklyn loft

Living & Working in NYC | how i stay productive at work, investing in hobbies & pottery sessions

productive week in my life | apartment hunting in brooklyn, launching my podcast! & fitness updates

What I Spend in a Week Living in NYC *as a 25 year old* 💸

what I eat in a weekend in NYC 🥘 vegan burgers, peruvian, dim sum, tacos *realistic & healthy*

Living in NYC | $60 omakase, celebrating birthdays, my first film screening & princeton reunions

week in my life as a software engineer in NYC | 9-5 office days, creator dinner & my fav taco spot

Day In The Life Of A Software Engineer (REALISTIC) | Sarah Pan

day in my life as a software engineer in NYC * in-office edition *

*brutally* honest career Q&A | how much $$ I make as a swe, resume tips, negotiating comp & startups

sunday reset | developing productive & healthy habits ft. my 8am morning routine

*brutally* honest career Q&A | resume deep dive, burnout, being a female in tech, specializing, etc.

*unfiltered* vlog | our apartment flooded 🥲 loft updates, resetting, & entering the new year

KOREA VLOG | landing in seoul, day in gangnam, meeting my boyfriend's family, the korean countryside

Millionaire Reacts: A REALISTIC Day In The Life Of A Software Engineer | Sarah Pan